WiFi4EU iniciativa

Zřejmě jste v tisku zaznamenali start iniciativy WiFi4EU. Třeba zde: https://www.lupa.cz/clanky/wifi4eu-je-tady-ek-zverejnila-podminky-pro-do... http://euractiv.cz/clanky/digitalni-agenda/obce-mohou-zadat-o-evropske-d... Zveřejněné konkrétní možné lokality v ČR: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/news/list-eligible-entitie... Pro telco firmy připadají v zásadě 2 aktivity. 1. Spojit se s možnými obcemi dle seznamu EU a nabídnout se jako provozovatel sítě 2. Registrovat se na webu https://www.wifi4eu.eu jako firma schopná tyto projekty realizovat. Obce se zájmem stavět pak seznam takovýchto firem obdrží. Níže přikládám oficiální email který byl zaslán registrovaným subjektům na WiFi4EU emailistu. ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: <CNECT-WIFI4EU@ec.europa.eu> Date: 2018-03-20 13:43 GMT+01:00 Subject: WiFi4EU Portal - NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION Thank you very much for the interest you have shown in the WiFi4EU initiative. We are pleased to announce that the WiFi4EU portal is now open for registrations. The portal is available in all official EU languages. Municipalities wishing to apply for a voucher are invited to: 1. Register on the WiFi4EU portal, which they can do anytime. Please note a municipality needs to be registered to apply for a call. The date/time of registration will have no impact on the allocation of vouchers. 2. On 15 May 2018, the first call for projects will be open: registered municipalities may then submit their application in order to get a WiFi4EU voucher. The vouchers will be assigned on a "first-come, first-served" basis depending on the date/time of application submission. Companies wishing to register as Wi-Fi installation companies are invited to: 1. Register on the WiFi4EU portal, which they can do anytime. For further questions, please check the Questions and Answers which we update regularly or send your question to https://europa.eu/european-union/contact/write-to-us_en Please note that this mailbox will not function as helpdesk any longer. Thank you once again for your interest in the WiFi4EU initiative – looking forward to your registrations ! The WiFi4EU Team

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