What the committee deals with
The Committee is open to new members, which may be legal or natural persons or associations of legal or natural persons. Find out details on how to apply for membership and what it brings you.
Independent ICT Industry Committee
Our main objective is to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable market development
Our main objective is to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable market development
Independent ICT Industry Committee
Our main objective is to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable market development
Our main objective is to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable market development
What the committee deals with
The Committee is open to new members, which may be legal or natural persons or associations of legal or natural persons. Find out details on how to apply for membership and what it brings you.

Who are we?

The Committee brings together companies and organizations operating in the information and communication technology sector that are interested in maintaining and developing a competitive environment and creating conditions for the development of the digital industry in the Czech Republic.

The purpose of the association is therefore to develop a healthy competitive environment as one of the most important elements of sustainable development and to emphasize the principles and rules of free competition within the European Union.

The basic activity of the association is to represent its members in relation to state authorities in the development of rules and legislation relating to the regulation of business in electronic communications.

Membership pays off

The Association serves its members by protecting the interests of its member entities
Provides an information advantage, contributes to the development of relevant legislation
Crisis and operational communication with the represented part of the market
Executive heads of working groups create partners or counterbalances to public authorities
The aim of the association is to protect a fair competitive environment
We are an important association with a strong voice, a commentator and a partner of the Government of the Czech Republic

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